As you can tell from the title, I am so excited to be trying for baby #2! Since struggling with postnatal depletion after I had Diego, this go around I want to prepare my body as best as I can nutritionally in hopes to avoid feeling depleted. This is when I discovered the idea of a preconception diet!
I like to consider myself pretty healthy and I do make proper nutrition a main priority in my life. But I didn’t realize, like many other women, that nutrition can play such a big role in helping to get pregnant.
A preconception diet means I will be eating to nourish my body with specific foods to prepare it for pregnancy. Many women, like myself in my first pregnancy, get pregnant while they are already nutritionally depleted. Which in turn, can make it harder to recover. When the body is properly nourished, it can encourage fertility and support the pregnancy through recovery.
I consulted the help of registered dietician and Majka medical advisor, Jessica Bippen. Jessica reviewed with me the research she bases her preconception diets on, the main being a Harvard research called the “Fertility Diet” from 2007.This research found that women with ovulatory infertility who followed this eating plan had a 66% lower risk of ovulatory infertility and a 27% reduced risk of infertility from other causes than women who didn’t follow the diet closely.
Main Points of My Fertility Diet
- Less trans fat and more monounsaturated fat (from foods such as avocados and olive oil)
- Less animal protein and more vegetable protein
- More high-fiber, low-glycemic carbohydrate-rich foods (including whole grains)
- More vegetarian sources of iron and fewer meat sources
- Prenatal Vitamins – my favorites are from Whole Earth USA and Megafood
- High-fat dairy instead of low-fat dairy (organic if tolerated)
While my dietician recommended this as a foundation, she focuses on increasing nutrients with variety, nutrient-dense foods and antioxidants. I personally choose not to consume dairy products and I like to stay away from gluten and refined sugars. So my preconception diet plan will not include those ingredients, but feel free to customize yours however you like it!
If you want to learn more about the Fertility Diet I would definitely recommend checking out this book The Fertility Diet: Groundbreaking Research Reveals Natural Ways to Boost Ovulation and Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant! You can also find more information at What to Expect website and Everydayhealth.com.
Nutrients to Focus on If You’re Trying to Get Pregnant
Healthy Fats
- Avocado, nuts, seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, salmon, coconut
- Beans, hemp seeds, protein powder, collagen peptides, chicken, salmon, and eggs
- Berries, greens, watermelon, citrus, turmeric (basically all fruits and veggies so eat the rainbow!)
- Leafy greens, asparagus, brussels sprouts, citrus fruits, lentils, beans, nuts, and peas
- Spinach, lentils, beans, molasses, cacao, cashews, based potatoes, meat, fish, and poultry
- Chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, cashews, eggs, meat, and shellfish
- Brazil nuts are the best source (I was recommended 1-2 daily but check to make sure you know how much your prenatal already contains)
- *Women trying to conceive should not exceed more than 400mg of selenium a day*
- Egg yolks (this is worth supplementing or finding a prenatal with choline in it if you do not eat eggs!)
I’ve found that the easiest way to incorporate these foods into your diet is to take the time to create simple meal plans once a week. Here is an example of what my weekly meal plan looks like.
![Avocados and Chia seeds for increased fertility](https://www.callmelore.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Karlie-Colleen-Photography-Majka-22_websize.jpg)
My Preconception Meal Plan
This is based on the foods I love, eat regularly, and the important preconception nutrients.
Before Breakfast: Celery and cucumber Juice
Breakfast: Overnight oats topped with granola and blueberries
Matcha latte for the office
Lunch: cauliflower rice and broccoli and grilled chicken
Dinner: Broth with vegetables
Before Breakfast: Celery and cucumber Juice
Breakfast: Smoothie with Majka Nourishing Lactation Protein Powder. coconut water, blueberries, almond butter, chia and spinach
Matcha latte for the office
Lunch: Kale salad with salmon
Dinner: grilled vegetable bowl
Before Breakfast: Celery and cucumber Juice
Breakfast: Avocado Toast with hemp and vegan cream cheese
Matcha latte for the office
Lunch: Broth with vegetables
Dinner: vegan burger patty and side salad
Before Breakfast: Celery and cucumber Juice
Breakfast: Smoothie with protein powder. coconut water, banana, almond butter, chia and spinach
Matcha latte for the office
Lunch: Avocado Toast with hemp
Dinner: grilled salmon and salad
Before Breakfast: Celery and cucumber Juice
Breakfast: Smoothie with protein powder. coconut water, pitaya, blueberries, avocado, flaxseed and spinach and kale
Matcha latte for the office
Lunch: Protein bar and green juice
Dinner: Out with the family
So as you can see, there is quite a bit that goes into a preconception diet. Despite that, I am so excited to be starting this journey and I know it will all be worth it! Another aspect of my preconception diet is seed cycling. I am going to take you guys along with me on that journey and tell you all about in another blog post! Stay tuned!
I would love to know if this helped you out or if you learned something new! Let me know in the comments or over on my Instagram!