Today our little boy turns 2!!!
I can’t believe how fast time has gone by. I still remember the blog post I did announcing his arrival (check it out here for some throwback photos). My excitement and hopes for who he will become in the future still remain the same. However, the love that I feel for him multiplies every day.
It has been the most amazing two years watching him grow, learn new things, and bring so much love and happiness into my life. I wanted to create a video of my favorite memories and write a letter to him as something he can look at when he is older and see just how much we love every single day that Dustin and I get to spend with him. We feel so lucky to be his parents.
Here’s a letter for you, my baby, on your second birthday:
Our road to having you was not easy. We of lost a couple of pregnancies before you and it was really hard. Back then, I could not stop questioning why these things were happening to us. BUT now I know why… because we were meant to have YOU!!! It blows my mind to think that if it weren’t for all those difficult moments, we would not have you.
From the moment I stared into your eyes when I met you at the hospital, I knew you were going to completely turn our lives upside down and change them for the better. You have made both me and your dad better and more understanding people. You gave us a reason to try to be our best selves every day.
This second year has been full of unforgettable moments, but just to highlight a few…
You Learned How To Walk
From the moment you took your first step, we have not stopped chasing you around and hoping that the phase of jumping off of everything and climbing is over soon. (haha)
You Started Talking and Learned How to Express Yourself
I will never forget the first time you said AMA. That’s what you have called me from the beginning, you only call me mama when you are upset or desperate for my attention.
You Started School
I am so proud of you. You were so brave. I could see that you were confused about what was going on, but decided to trust that we would come back to get you and not cry. I cried you did not NOT. One of my favorite things is picking you up from school, seeing those big eyes look at me and you running to hug me and show off what you did that day. It’s the BEST feeling in the world.
You Can Swim Now
You know how to jump in the pool and as of last week, you can cross the pool swimming on your own. Every class I feel terrified to see you do all of these things, but I could not be more proud.
You Learned How to Blow Out Candles
You have been practicing for the past two weeks and learning how to sing happy birthday and blow your candle so you can be ready for your party!
You Are So Smart
You know how to use my phone, get on YouTube, call your grandparents, and so many other things that still blow my mind.
I could continue to go on and on about the things that have happened this year, so that’s why I created this slideshow. When you are old enough, we can go through it together and I can tell you about my favorite memories.
My wish for you is that you live a fulfilled and happy life, that you chase your dreams and passions and work hard towards achieving your goals, that you understand that life is not always perfect. There will always be challenges, but know that they will pass and you should consider them not an obstacle, but a challenge that you can overcome to create the life you want. We will ALWAYS be there to guide you and support you to the best of our ability.
Continue being kind and happy. Remember the greatest moments of happiness in life come from being good to others and from being true to who you are. Don’t ever let anyone make you doubt who you are and what you want to do.
I love you with all my heart and I can’t wait to continue creating memories with you.
Here’s a recap of all my favorite memories caught on photo/video from these past two years. Boy, has he grown and changed so much, I can’t believe it!
From the day we brought him home from the hospital to today, I am so proud to be his mom. I hope you enjoy!
Your baby is absolutely adorable! And I really loved your post.