Hello! How was everyone’s weekend?! Ours was great, on Friday Dustin had poker night with his friends and I got to stay home and spend some alone time with Diego… it was super relaxing. Saturday was movie date night, and today a trip to Whole Foods with Diego. Oh how are weekend activities have changed since we have our boy but I would not have it any other way!
Diego is now three months! As you can see in the pictures he is getting bigger and cuter by the day! (I might be blinded by mom love hahaha) I am not gonna lie every night before bed I go through the Diego album that I have on my phone and see all the pictures that I have from the time he was born. Everyday I am amazed by how much he has changed and also how fast he grows. I have shed a couple of tears looking at that album at night (more times than not this happens). Even though it has just been three months I really cannot remember how life was without him, he has come to fill our lives with happiness, hope, and excitement.
Diego, one day maybe you will read this post. Thank you for making me the happiest mom in the world and I cannot wait to be by your side as you keep discovering life! I love you so much and I will try my best to give you a life full of love and happiness. Anddddd maybe help you be the next president of the United States hahaha.
Thank you so much for stopping by the blog!!! Until the next post!
P.S. The Jeans are from Stella Mccartney and my white top is from SEA.