Hello Guys!!! Happy Monday, I hope you guys had an amazing weekend. I was in LA for our Bloguettes Branding Workshop. It was amazing, I got to meet so many amazing women! Our last workshop of the year will be in Chicago in three weeks. Even though I am super excited I am so sad to leave Diego again. I know he stays in great hands but still it is so hard to spend a couple of days away from him.
Now onto today’s topic: Why I love Barre 3 Class! Being a mom has been amazing and I have no complaints except for how many body felt after having him hahaha. Looking at myself in the mirror for the first time in the hospital was not easy. My stomach specially had lost all its tone and my arms and legs were also not in the best shape. After I was cleared to workout I had no idea what would be a good workout to get back in shape. I was looking for something fun that had multiple class times a day to fit my busy schedule. Through a friend I heard about Barre 3, I have been doing it for a little bit more than a month and I LOVE it!!! These are some reasons of why I have fallen in love with this workout:
The Benefits of Barre Workouts
-It’s a hard workout but easy on your joints. I tried getting into the crazy Crossfit trend, and I almost end up without knees hahaha.
-It’s a whole body workout. The hour workout is split up so that you can work out your legs, arms, seat, and most importantly, your core.
-It’s fast enough for me not to get bored but slow enough for me to follow along. Plus, it does not need extreme coordination. Trust me you do not want to see me at Zumba class hahahaha.
– You can customize your workout. Every single pose in class has different variations that you can adapt to yourself.
-The music and the people! Who wants to workout to boring music? Not me! The music is always amazing and so is the energy of all the girls that come to class.
Now, the million dollar question! Does it work? YESSSS. I love workouts that I can see results fast and Barre3 has definitely done that for me. Of course it’s not magic and you have to work hard but I think Barre in combination with healthy eating is a great option for all of us who are looking to get back in shape after pregnancy. Now, is my body there yet? NOPE but I can see that I am moving in the right direction.
Finally, if there is something that I have learned about health and fitness is that results do not come overnight. There are no easy fast fixes, losing 20 pounds in two weeks is just not sustainable. I rather have lasting results than easy unhealthy fixes.
I hope you guys enjoyed the post and if you have any other workout recommendations for me I would love to hear them!
See you on the next post!
P.S. I am in loooooooove with Outdoor Voices, a workout apparel line that I recently discovered.
Thanks for sharing! I’m going to my first Barre class this saturday and while doing some research on this topic I found your post 🙂 Im very excited, but also a bit nervous because is something I’ve never tried before, so I found your post very motivational and inspiring. Thanks for sharing!