Hello Hello! I am so happy that I finally have some time to post on the blog. I was supposed to publish this blog post last week but I just couldn’t get to it! After spending the weekend in our Bloguettes workshop, I am excited to be home and I will not be traveling for work for a while so that means no more nights away from Diego, Yeyyy!
Today’s topic: Should being a mom or getting “older” change the way you dress? While we were taking the pictures for this post that thought came to my mind. I could not stop thinking of the many times in life I have heard women say things like “Am I too old to wear this”, “Now that I am a mom I should look like one.” What does that even mean? I think most women dress for other women and we care too much about what other the other women says or thinks. Who cares if you are too young or to old to wear something? That is just in our minds, I think as long as we wear our clothes with confidence there is no age or role that should define what we are “supposed” to wear.
So I say let’s enjoy our wardrobes with confidence. Let our outfits & clothes be a source of empowerment – not stress. Most importantly, let’s have fun with how we dress to be a reflection of who WE feel WE are. Girl Power 🙂
P.S I am in love with this Cinq ‘a Sept Army Jacket I am planning on wearing it everyday as soon as Phoenix weather gets under 90 degrees at some point this fall hahahahha.