Soooooo I am finally back at Blogging!!! I can’t believe I didn’t post anything for the past month! I definitely underestimated motherhood hahaha. I remember before Diego came everyone would ask me if I was gonna take time off and how much and I would just say that I could be back at work almost immediately, well…. guess what? I couldn’t! I definitely had no idea what being a mom was going to be like. So far it has been the most amazing, exciting, and terrifying, experience of my life.
Later this week I’ll write a blog post on the whole hospital/coming home experience but I can just tell you that I cried more than I ever have in my life, no more crying though, my hormones seem to be back to normal and I am just trying to figure out what our new normal is. What will my new work/life balance be. After having the baby I made the decision that I was not going to work for two weeks, it was the best decision ever, it gave me time to recuperate and spend as much time with Diego as I wanted. Since last week I have started re-incorporating myself into Bloguettes again but mostly from home, and it feels amazing. I feel like now I am complete, I have a husband that I love, a perfect baby boy, and a job and business that I am passionate about but now my mind is full of questions: What is our new normal? What will my work days look like? How will I be the best mom while being successful at work? How can I make sure Diego is always happy and safe? The list goes on and on.
I am not looking to answer all of these questions right now, I am sure I will figure it out and I am sure that Dustin and I are embarking on our most difficult but best experience that we will ever have: parenthood.
Thank you so much for the messages, calls, texts, and emails that we have received from everyone, we will feel so lucky to have amazing people in our lives and that Diego will always be surrounded by love.
As always thank you for stopping by and I promise it will not be another month before the next post 🙂