Postpartum Essentials For All New Moms

Call me Lore's postpartum essentials

Hello!! How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was great, my family was in town to visit us and spend time with Diego and we got to spend a lot of time together. I love when my family comes, we have always been so close and being away from them is the only downside of me living in AZ.

Now onto the topic of today: my postpartum essentials. I decided to write about this because I would have loved for someone to give some advice on this before the baby was born. I feel like everyone talks about the amazing feeling that it is to have a baby (it is truly the most amazing feelings in the world), but not a lot of women talk about some of the struggles new moms go through…one of them being how your body and skin feel after you have the baby.

Diego is now 5 weeks old and I feel much better, but the first time I saw myself in the mirror I was shocked, my belly felt so saggy and my skin so thin and I just felt generally bloated. I was already so tired and sensitive – seeing myself like that was not easy. The first thing that went through my head was: “Is my skin ever gonna go back?” The answer is YES! Immediately after I came back from the hospital I started using some amazing products and now I am proud to say that my skin and body are not 100% back but I feel confident and I am moving in the right direction.

5 Postpartum Essentials Every New Mom Needs

Toning Oil

The day that I came back from the hospital I started using Clarins toning oil, I apply it immediately after I come out of the shower and don’t take it off, I reapply it again at night before I go to bed.

Tummy Tucker

A tummy tucker or belly band is a must! I bought one called the Belly Bandit and it has worked amazing! I have worn it all day everyday for the past five weeks and my belly is almost flat and back to normal. When I am at home I try to wear the Belly Bandit and compression leggings, I feel comfortable and it has helped a lot with the swelling and bloating.

Firming Gel

Since I have been breastfeeding my skin has felt really dry so I have been using the Mustela body moisturizer that is pregnancy safe and smells amazing, from the same brand every morning I apply a bust firming gel, hoping to keep everything in place hahahaha.

Coconut Water

After having Diego, I’ve been making a conscious effort to stay hydrated. Rather than drinking just water, I’ve really been loving coconut water–it tastes good and is super hydrating.

Natural Deodorant

Finally, I decided to change my deodorant for a natural one just to be safer while breastfeeding. One that I absolutely love is by Primally Pure! I wrote a blog post interviewing the founder of the company where she shared all of the benefits of switching over to natural deodorant, so be sure to check it out!

What are some of your favorite postpartum essentials? I would love to hear in the comments below!

Call me Lore's postpartum essentials

Call me Lore's postpartum essentials

Call me Lore's postpartum essentials

Call me Lore's postpartum essentials

Call me Lore's postpartum essentials

Call me Lore's postpartum essentials

Call me Lore's postpartum essentials

Call me Lore's postpartum essentials

Call me Lore's postpartum essentials


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