The new year has kept me plenty busy with new projects in Majka, Wela Creative Studio, and Diego! Needless to say, my Google Calendar has been my saving grace and is packed full with meetings, appointments… the list goes on!
But I love it! This is my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m content with my work/life routine and the time that I spend with my family and following my passions. However, I was not always like this. After Diego was born, the ‘mom-guilt’ was REAL! I started noticing all the expectations of society and I began to feel trapped. Part of me felt like I was not spending enough time with Diego, while the other part of me felt like I had to be back in the office to put on the appearance that I had it all together. In other words, I felt like my two worlds could not exist in harmony. But I wrong! I realized that I had to be my best so I could help my family be their best. And because my passions are the businesses I’ve created, working allows me to do what I love. After that realization, my two worlds melded together and now exist and function with each other.
Have you ever felt that you cannot follow your passions because expectations say otherwise? Read on to learn how to find your passion and follow it fiercely.

When You Should Resist Expectations
Is there something you know in your gut you should be doing? Maybe there is a business venture you want to try? Or maybe you want to start a blog? Whatever it is, if it’s been nagging at your for a while, consider listening to it. When I was trying to find the balance of motherhood and following my work passion, I was often too focused on doing something the way I thought others – and myself – expected me to do it. For example, I thought I had to go back to work right after having Diego so it would look like I had it all together, even though my body was clearly telling me that I needed to take time to rest. Sometimes the expectations that we put on ourselves can be the harshest ones. Once you identify what your internal and external expectations are, evaluate them and see which ones you agree and disagree with. When I realized that I really needed to take care of myself, I let go of the expectations I had built up of what a working mom looked like and did what worked for me.
Finding Your Passion in Life
What are you good at?
What do you like to do?
These are just some of the questions to consider when trying to decide what you are passionate about. Some of you may know exactly what you’re passionate about. If that’s you, great! But, if you’re anything like me when faced with the question of “What is my passion?” I didn’t know right away. In fact, it may take a little bit of time. I thought I wanted to be a financial banker when I first started school. It wasn’t until a couple years (and a few different jobs and failures) later that I realized that entrepreneurship and brand consulting was what I wanted to do. Don’t get too discouraged if you don’t think of anything right away! It may take a few tries before you figure out what you actually like. The key is to not give up.
Just Go For It!
Taking the first step can be hard and scary. But if you don’t start now, when will you start? I actually wrote a blog post all about this. Take it from me, it won’t always be easy. But the beauty of finding your passion is that you are passionate about it. I love what I do. And because I love it, it gives me the motivation to continue to work on creating my businesse to be the best they can be.
Ask For Help
If you’re a busy mom like me, you may be thinking, “Yeah, but I don’t have time to start my business!” or you may think you are too busy and that it would be near impossible to find your passion and purpose in life. This is where I say, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Time is valuable and following your passion will take a bit of time. But with the right support system, anything is possible. Have your mom watch your kiddos a couple days a week. This not only lets them spend quality time with grandma but gives you time to find your passion and pursue it.

Other Resources
If you’re serious about how to find your passion in life, here are a few other resources that can help!
- This Ted Talk playlist features a bunch of speeches for purpose-finding!
- Mind Body Green features this article which may change your outlook on finding your passion.
- If you’ve already found your passion, here’s an article I wrote featuring
praticle next steps for following your passion.
What are your passions? Have you turned them into a lifestyle? If so, share with me what they are or comment on my Instagram (@CallMeLore)! If not, what’s holding you back?