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Detox Your Home: Why Use Natural Cleaning Products

Many of us are so passionate about getting rid of bad chemicals in our food, buying organic, and avoiding artificial sweeteners/flavors…but what about the things we touch everyday, especially the ones we consider to be “clean”? When I found out I had MTHFR, I was warned that I can have a higher risk of chemical exposure from cleaning supplies and…
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What is a Dermaplaning Facial?

Yes….I had my face SHAVED WITH A SCALPEL. Just hear me out first! (haha) My friend Melissa from Melt By Melissa has been telling me about dermaplaning and how amazing it is for SO long now. However, I was always too nervous to try it because I was scared my peach fuzz would come back as black thick hairs haha (I…
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Who Am I? Getting to Know Me

Hello guys, So today my post is not about style, beauty, wellness or my favorite topic: Diego. Today, I am writing about myself! It feels kind of weird I’m not gonna lie (haha), but I thought it would be good for people that have been following my blogging journey along and also new people in my community to know a…
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