Hi everyone! Today, I want to share something personal. Awhile ago, I took the ’23 and me’ genetic test and found out that I have MTHFR. I had never heard of MTHFR before and had no idea what it was. But in the most general terms, I have a gene mutation of the MTHFR enzyme that does not produce correctly…
Hi everyone! I want to take a different spin on a beauty tip that doesn’t involve any skin care or cosmetics. Instead, let’s talk about what we put IN our bodies that makes us feel our best and shine on the outside. No matter what luxurious products we layer on our faces for healthier glowing skin, it can never flourish…
Hi everyone! This week, I have been on a kick to reorganize everything and do a little “fall cleaning.” So, I thought I’d share some of the apps, books, and tools that I have found really help me keep things organized. The busier I get, the more I realize that even the smallest things left unorganized usually lead to mistakes…
Hi everyone! Today I wanted to talk about something very important to me: Clean Beauty. All-natural, organic, and clean are just a few of the buzz words we hear quite a bit in the beauty and skin care industry, but what do they really mean, and how important is clean beauty? How do we know what ingredients to stay away…
Yesterday was the first day of Fall!! YAY! After months of temperatures above 110 degrees, I am ready to at least be able to wear a long sleeve shirt. In Arizona, it´s a win if you are able to wear a sweater before November. So to celebrate Fall I decided to “invest” some time online and find my favorite booties…